
Women had their hair in many different forms including fishtail plaits, braids and messy buns. They used  many accessories in their hair to keep all of it together. These items were gold braided hair ties and head bands, gold brooches and diamond or other jewels hair pieces.

 Men had their hair long to make sure that they didn't go bald or go grey. Greek men had to work with the hair that they had. So if it was thick, thin, short or long they had to make fashionable hairstyles with the hair that they have got.


The tools that men and women used for their hair were combs made from wood or bone, scissors to cut the hair, a curling iron called a "calamistrum" was heated in a gentle flame and a razor to shave the beard if they didn't want one growing.



 For jewellery silver and gold bracelets, earrings and head pieces were worn by many different women. For the richer people they would have encrusted jewels and important items to the family to pass down to their family.

Foot Wear 

 In Greece it is very hot so they didn't bother to wear shoes unless they needed to during war or outside on the hot ground etc. If they needed to wear shoes they would wear sandals or a thong type of shoe that were brown or a sandy yellow. They would make them with straps that went on the mid shin making sure they would stay on their foot while running.

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