Gender clothing


  •  Peplos - Doric
  •  Peplos - Ionics


  • Exomi
  • Tunic 
  • None for swimming, sport, hot weather or working in hot places like the mine. If there were women or children around, they would wear clothes.
  • Himation


Out of the house, women would wear cloaks to keep their clothing clean and to keep it from blowing up in the wind. Men would wear cloaks over their shoulders and women would wear them draped over their shoulders then over their arms. 

Why did they wear different clothing?

Women wore their hair up, pinned into a "hair crown". When their hair was up on their head, from the front and from a distance women looked male, so they wore different clothing types so other people would know.


 What did they use to make the clothing?

  To the Greeks, sewing was a waste of time (time that they never had) so to hold all of their clothes together they used pins. These pins were gold, silver, bronze, copper etc. To be more fashionable they also used brooches with jewels encrusted into them.

The material that they used was anything that the slaves could make. For royalty they had cotton, wool, burlap etc. Slaves had an old rice, flour or sugar sack for their clothing. 

Was there any "special clothing" for important events?   

 Not really. Anything that was their nicest piece of clothing or anything that looked well-presented worked for them because yet again they didn't have a lot of time on their hands to deal with "important" matters like this. They dressed it up with gold and jewel encrusted bracelets, necklaces, earrings or brooches.

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