
Women's Ancient Greek Clothing has developed more into our modern day clothing world rather then the men's clothing. The reason why, is because men in our modern day clothing don't really wear dresses and long tops but men style of ancient clothing has now been turned into women's clothing. Ladies clothing is how it is today thanks to ancient Greek women's and men's clothing. Modern men's clothing isn't at all the same as it was in the ancient Greek times.

How is the same as in the ancient times? 

Modern ladies now wear dresses that are Greek/Roman inspired. Same style but not the same traditional colour which is white. Ladies wear strapless dresses, those one shoulder dresses (which came from the men) and long to the floor dresses (maxi dresses).

Where did we come from clothing wise?

 In the end, all of our dresses that we make, wear and wash has come from somewhere. Which is Greek women's and men's clothing. Also belts, ribbons and hair clips also have been inspired by the Greek's clothing style. They wore ribbons around their stomach as belts for easy movement and to keep fabric and clothes out of their way. We now wear ribbon in our hair and as hair clips. We also wear belts the same way they wore their style of belts and ropes.

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