
 The aim of clothing for the Greeks was to be easily created but at the same time, look good. The men of Greece were always in battle so they had to be easy to take on and off if they got badly hurt.


What are you doing to need?

How to make the: CHITON.


 Step 1: Take two equal lengths of fabric or one large piece folded.

Step 2: Take your fabric and pin up the sides to create a tube. For a more finished look you can sow up the sides so it creates a tube, just flip it in the right way. Make sure you leave a gap in either side for the arms. 

Step 3: Pin along the arms and shoulders, stop when you get to their neck. Have a person step inside the tube.

Step 4: Add gold, silver or any colour belt, ribbon, bendable wire, fabric or brooch to finish.

How to make the: EXOMI.

Worn by: MALES. 

Step 1:  Fold over the piece of cloth. It should be doubled over.

Step 2: Have a male step into the tube. Where the fold is, place that under the arm and the opening end the cloth is fastened with a pin or knot.   

Step 3: Adjust the the piece of clothing to cover the whole body.

Step 4: Add a belt, ribbon, bendable wire, fabric strips or a brooch to keep everything together. 

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